Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"Change" by Obama - 17,000,000,000,000 USD deficit to come

Change is what most of us want in the world.

Especially in the USA where the majority of the middle class people saw their wealth depreciate. Either by the "globalisation" which moved their jobs to China and India or their cash savings are being depleted by inflation or simply because the "greed businesses" ( read: banks and insurance institutions - I can hardly call them businesses or companies any longer...) who took their life savings and pension funds and through a clever system of bank instruments rendered them worthless while transfering the wealth to themselves.

Yes, the richer ( read: international banking dynasties, certain industrials and politicians ) are getting richer, ... and the middle class and poor are getting poorer. This what John M. Keynes predicted in 1920. Keynes? Is he not the architect of our modern day economy?

Socialist Obama does not speak about wealth creation, he talks about wealth distribution. If that is not Communism or Socialism, I do not know.
So, you take the money from those who worked for it by taxing them and then use a large portion for yourselves and give $$ away to those who have been put out of a job?

Is that what is all about? So who wins here? The poor who get a welfare check? The international elite bankers and financiers? Or is the middle men who now has to work till he drops and remain a slave to his lenders till he/she dies, and then his children's children have to pay off the debt load?

Remember "The Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore, who keeps us busy thinking how this by-product of "globalisation" and greed can harm us? It did distract us from what is really happening though!

So watch this "An Inconvenient Debt" about debt by Fox News' Glenn Beck (there are many other interesting clips by Fox News on YouTube if you follow the clip)

and if you have 1:51 hr time to watch this brand new documentary on the "Obama Deception".
Watch or download as it is not sure how long it will be posted on Google/YouTube. Send to as much people as you know ... This type of news is not the kind they show on your TV channels.

Alternatively, paste following link to view in Google, enlarged screen:


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gold for Bread - Zimbabwe

The government in Zimbabwe failed big time.

The economy is in shambles, the currency in deep deflation causing normal food prices to sky rocket.

Most people do not even accept the currency but only gold as medium of payment.

Is this a preview for all of us, of what could happen in the years to come?

Though we should trust more in gold and silver, rather than in paper currencies, the majority of people are now hoarding gold, with the private banking dynasties, their central banks and other links, storing masses of the shiny metal ... What for ?

Will it all end up on the streets, worthless dump as in Revelation 18 ? Or will some of it be used to feed the starving? Not just in Africa, but also in the USA, Europe, Asia..

"If we could only see Mugabe in real, then it would be suffering for him", as the old woman said. I wonder what chaos and social unrest it will create when governments let this happen happen. But same as Mugabe, many of those leaders have amassed themselves a fortune and an army to protect themselves.

Short documentary by Guardian Films on how gold diggers survive on a loaf of bread a day:

watch Gold for Bread: click here


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ownership Assets - going back to basics.

There are few people that honest in business like Jim Rogers.

He tackles currency policies, governments and knows what he is talking about.

It may not be 'ear pleasing news' for those who are greedy and want to gamble in money markets, funds, stocks and all the other debt based financial instruments.

Click below links to watch some of his recent interviews:

Jim Rogers, CNBC News on buying farming land, gold

Jim Rogers, Indian NDTV on investments in commodities, land en Gold

( PS. the above picture was taken in his New york home, which he sold in 2008 and moved to Singapore. I hope he only sat on the pig and never ate it! )

Monday, March 2, 2009

After the banks...here come the insurance companies

Since March 2008, I have been saying to my friends, that the banking and insurance industry's best days are gone.

The game is over, the biggest "reversed Robin Hood theft" has started.

I also mentioned to many that the next in line were going to be the hedge funds, options and derivatives markets and that in 2009, the big insurance companies would file their losses as they - opposed to banks - do not have the same obligations to do so.

So here is the first big one. Mind you, the loss covers only what was lost in the last 3 months of 2008.

Would one call this a "Ponzi" scheme or "legalized theft"?

Whatever the answer is; some people are loosing their money assets, physical assets and some are gaining them. Same old story a la John Maynard Keynes ...

When will the day come, we will read the same news coverage of massive losses in the pension funds - government and private -, sovereign wealth funds, currency reserves,... ?
