Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Help.. FED lost some 9 Trillion dollars!

The Federal Reserve cannot account for and has absolutely no clue where the trillions of dollars that have come from the Fed’s expanded balance sheet have gone.

Additionally, nobody there seems to have any idea what the losses on the Fed’s $2 trillion portfolio really are.

Watch this video clip, Alan Grayson asking about the 9 Trillion dollars that the Feds cannot account for.

Amazing that this becomes public but nobody seems to bother about this.. media is more concerned or interested in misinforming the masses.

The world reserve currency is in the proces of becoming literally: Monoply game money, worthless paper and the Chinese Central Banks is getting ear of it. Ha! They may become so mad, they will send 200,000,000 million Chinese to Fort Knox and NYC FED branche to take what is rightfully theirs: The gold bars that are supposed to back up their 3 trillion USD reserves.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Big Bubble to End all Bubbles

The biggest financial bubble in history is being inflated in plain sight, said Gerald Celente, Director of The Trends Research Institute.

"This is the Mother of All Bubbles, and when it explodes, it will signal the end to the boom/bust cycle that has characterized economic activity throughout the developed world."

"Given the pattern of governments to parlay egregious failures into mega-failures, the classic trend they follow, when all else fails, is to take their nation to war," observed Celente.

Read the entire aticle by clicking on the picture above.

Click here to see a recent interview with Gerald on the recession, especially from 4:50 Mins onwards on his view on Gold.
